ComparisonScaling Software Development - ZeroBlockers vs Extreme Programming (XP): Which product development framework is better for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all framework for software development. Each framework covers different parts of the process in different ways. We have compiled an overview of the key features and approaches of the Extreme Programming (XP) framework and ZeroBlockers to help you select the best framework for you.

ZeroBlockers vs Extreme Programming (XP): Overview

ScrollIdea GenerationIdea EvaluationBusiness Case CreationBusiness Case ApprovalPlanAnalyseDesignDevelopTestRelease
Extreme Programming (XP)

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams



The core way of working.

Discover opportunities, design and evaluate solutions, then deliver in very small iterations.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Team conducts research, identifies opportunities, devises experiments and runs short experiments to evaluate solutions.

How teams deliver on their plans.

The team work cross-functionally together on all tasks, using a very small WIP to avoid context switching.

How teams ensure quality.

Guidelines for continuous automated unit and integration testing.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.



The core way of working.

Iterative approach with regular feedback loops to ensure that the team is building the right thing.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Light release planning and more detailed iteration planning.

How teams deliver on their plans.

Pair programming, continuous integration and refactoring.

How teams ensure quality.

Guidelines for continuous automated unit and integration testing.

Core Differences



The core way of working.

From idea to satisfied customers
From solution stories to working software.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Both frameworks advocate for iterative planning.

How teams deliver on their plans.

Research design and development working together
development working together.

How teams ensure quality.

Both frameworks focus on continuous integration and automated testing.

ZeroBlockers unapologetically copies a lot of the development practices from Extreme Programming (XP) so there is a lot of overlap particularly in the planning, execution and testing steps.

But XP was created by developers and there is a bit too much focus on the delivery aspects. ZeroBlockers assumes that we need to uncover the best solutions rather than be told what they are so there is a more end-to-end focus all the way from an idea to working software.

ZeroBlockers vs Extreme Programming (XP): Approach

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Lead time as a core metric coupled with strategies on how to break up requirements into releasable iterations.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Dependencies and blockers need to be removed as they always slow down delivery.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Each Stream team has a completely independent code base so code merge conflicts do not occur.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Rapid delivery is a core value. Work with customers to break up stories.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

XP encourages continuous refactoring of code to reduce complexity.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Small iterations reduce impact of dependencies.

Core Differences


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Both frameworks focus on short lead times.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Strategies for removing dependencies
more code base focused.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Both frameworks advocate for strategies for removing code conflicts.

There is a lot of overlap between the two frameworks because ZeroBlockers copies a lot of the practices.

But again, ZeroBlockers has a wider scope than XP as it also includes how to scale delivery across a large number of teams. This leads to differences in code ownership and a core focus on removing dependencies between teams.

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Teams decide on what features to build based on customer research and business objectives.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Teams identify the assumptions behind their solutions and devise experiments to validate them before committing to building the feature.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Accountable for outcomes: The achievement of the Product Objectives.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Customers present user stories. The team decides how to deliver the stories.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Teams work continuously with customers validating the solution as they build.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Customer satisfaction based on regular customer interaction.

Core Differences


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Teams decide on solutions
teams decide on delivery of stories.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Both frameworks advocate for solutions to be validated by customers.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Measuring outcomes (impact of work)
measuring satisfaction.

XP assumes that a customer can specify user stories that they need to achieve. This can work when replacing an existing process but it is very hard for new product development as every story is an assumption.

ZeroBlockers assumes that you cannot know how customers will react to new features until they have them in their hands. It is not fair to ask a business person to specify the outcome of a feature because we don't know. We all have ideas that sound great but few of them work. Therefore solution evaluation and iteration are integral parts of the process. We empower teams to identify the best solutions and then hold them accountable for outcomes.

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Teams own code and are responsible for maintaining its quality.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Teams have a clear vision of what good looks like. Zero blockers from idea to software.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Giving people autonomy over the way they solve problems reduces burnout.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

XP encourages continuous refactoring of code.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

XP focuses on technical improvement through pair programming, refactoring and continuous integration.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Promotes a sustainable pace of development.

Core Differences


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Ownership of code and maintenance
continuous refactoring.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

End-to-end process improvements
development focused improvements.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Tackle the cause of burnout
symptoms of burnout.

Shared code is subject to the tragedy of the commons. While XP advocates for refactoring there is a conflict with the need to hit tight deadlines. It is too common for teams to cut corners at the end.

ZeroBlockers works on the principle that you cannot hope that all teams will behave well. We remove the risk by giving each team their own code base.

Burnout isn't caused by challenging targets or high workloads. It is caused by being held to targets that you can't control such as an unrealistic deadline that was imposed on you. By giving teams autonomy over the way they achieve the product goals you are putting them in control. We can still set challenging stretch targets but, once teams can control how they achieve the targets, this can energise rather than cause burnout.

ZeroBlockers vs Extreme Programming (XP): Team & Events

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

UX Researcher
Business SMEs as needed

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Customer Interviews
Solution Evaluation
User Story Mapping


Weekly Business Review

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Development Team

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Pair Programming

Planning Game

Core Differences

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Skills to identify, evaluate and build solutions
skills to build solutions.

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Researching, validating and building solutions
building features

XP was first specified in 1996 so it heavily reflects the dominant waterfall processes with the inclusion of a tracker (project manager) role and the separation between Architects, Developers and QA.

ZeroBlockers believes that the separation of thinkers (Architects) and doers (Developers) leads to problems because you need developers to be able to iterate quickly as feedback comes in. We don't want to introduce a sign off blocker.

Finally, XP advocates for trusting and empowering developers but there are no events or processes for teams to report progress so that they can reward that trust. ZeroBlockers includes a Weekly Business Review so teams can report on progress and continue to build trust with the Product Team.

ZeroBlockers vs Extreme Programming (XP): Implementation

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Considerable changes are required across the business so buy-in is required at a senior level in IT, marketing, customer service and more.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

ZeroBlockers provides a range of training and certifications for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Large and growing community with documentation and resources.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Agile software development methodology focused on responsiveness to customers.


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Buy in required from IT leadership to give more authority to developers.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

A number of training courses are available for each role in XP.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

There is a large and active community for each role.

Core Differences


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Whole business buy-in
IT buy-in

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

Similar between frameworks
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Similar between frameworks

XP is challenging to implement because it is scary for management to empower teams without a clear governance structure. Having said that a lot of the individual practices advocated by XP are becoming standards in development teams.

ZeroBlockers includes governance structures but there are also challenges in implementation. Implementing the framework involves changes across the business - because software is integral to our products today - not something just tacked on. This means you need more buy-in to get started. But you can start small - one product, one value stream. With over 10 years of UXDX content and case studies, there is also a large body of resources to assist in the rollout of the framework. It might be challenging to implement but it will deliver better outcomes.

3 advantages of ZeroBlockers over Extreme Programming (XP)


Outcomes over Satisfaction: Build features that work for both the business as well as customers.


Cross-business Focus: Involve the wider business and their needs rather than just the development team.


Accountable teams: By giving teams solution autonomy and code independence, they are able to innovate on better products and be accountable for the outcomes.

Compare ZeroBlockers with other product development frameworks


An agile project management framework focused on individual teams.



A linear and sequential approach to software development.



A lean framework that focuses on visualising and optimising workflows.


ZeroBlockers Docs

Teams, processes, practices, artifacts and more...

We're busy putting the final touches on our ZeroBlockers guide. The guide will provide a comprehensive overview to the ZeroBlockers framework, including detailed descriptions of the key processes, practices and artifacts produced by each of the five core ZeroBlockers team types.

Subscribe for updates on when the guide will be available (we're targeting the end of July.)

ZeroBlockers giude screenshot