Case StudyStream Team: Internal Alignment - Enhancing Teamwork through Mob Programming at ustwo Games

ustwo games, a company renowned for its innovative software engineering and game development projects, faced challenges in ensuring that teams were consistently building the right things at the right time with the appropriate level of quality. Despite having talented and motivated individuals, the lack of cohesive internal alignment often led to miscommunications, duplicated efforts, and suboptimal project outcomes. The company recognized the need to refine their collaboration methods to enhance overall effectiveness and project success.

Enhancing Teamwork through Mob Programming at ustwo Games

The Solution

To address these issues, ustwo games embarked on an experimental journey to foster internal alignment through mob programming:

  • Introduction to Mob Programming:
    • Implemented mob programming, where the entire team works on the same task, using one computer, at the same time. This method was chosen to enhance communication, collective code ownership, and immediate feedback.
    • Facilitated regular mob programming sessions to ensure that all team members were actively participating and contributing to the coding process.
  • Structured Sessions:
    • Established a structured schedule for mob programming sessions, ensuring that these sessions were regular and consistent.
    • Included all relevant team members in the sessions, such as developers, testers, and UX designers, to leverage diverse expertise and perspectives.
  • Frequent Reflections and Feedback:
    • Encouraged frequent reflections and feedback sessions to continuously assess and improve the mob programming practice.
    • Used retrospectives to identify what worked well and what needed adjustments, ensuring continuous improvement.
  • Clear Project Objectives:
    • Established clear and concise project objectives to align all team members on the goals and expected outcomes.
    • Communicated these objectives effectively to ensure everyone was on the same page regarding priorities and deliverables.
  • Enhanced Communication Channels:
    • Strengthened communication channels within the team to facilitate better information sharing and reduce misunderstandings.
    • Used collaborative tools and platforms to maintain transparency and keep everyone updated on project progress.

Outcomes achieved

By adopting mob programming, ustwo games experienced significant improvements in teamwork and project outcomes:

  • Improved Collaboration:
    • Mob programming fostered a high level of collaboration, as team members worked together closely, sharing knowledge and skills in real-time.
    • The practice broke down silos and promoted a sense of collective ownership over the code and project outcomes.
  • Higher Quality Deliverables:
    • The immediate feedback loop in mob programming allowed for quick identification and resolution of issues, leading to higher quality code.
    • The collective approach ensured that the best ideas and practices were incorporated, enhancing the overall quality of the deliverables.
  • Efficient Problem Solving:
    • The team could tackle complex problems more efficiently through collective brainstorming and diverse perspectives.
    • Enhanced communication reduced the time spent on resolving misunderstandings and duplicated efforts.
  • Increased Team Morale:
    • The inclusive and collaborative environment boosted team morale, as members felt more engaged and valued.
    • The regular feedback and reflection sessions provided a platform for recognizing achievements and addressing concerns constructively.
  • Better Alignment with Objectives:
    • Clear project objectives and continuous alignment ensured that the team was always focused on building the right things at the right time.
    • This focus reduced wasted efforts and ensured that project goals were met more consistently.

Watch the full case study

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