Case StudyStream Team: Communicating Research - Supergluing Insights: Making Research Stick with Stakeholders

Adyen, a leading global payments company, faced challenges in ensuring that valuable research insights were effectively communicated to and utilized by stakeholders. Despite conducting thorough and insightful research, the findings often did not have the desired impact due to communication gaps. This issue led to missed opportunities for product improvements and strategic decision-making.

Supergluing Insights: Making Research Stick with Stakeholders

The Solution

Adyen adopted a strategic approach to enhance the communication of research findings. The key components of their approach included:

  • Clear and Compelling Storytelling: Adyen focused on transforming research data into clear and compelling stories. This involved highlighting key insights, using narratives to contextualize the data, and making the findings relatable to stakeholders' objectives and concerns.
  • Visual Communication: The team utilized visual aids such as infographics, charts, and diagrams to present data in an easily digestible format. Visual communication helped stakeholders quickly grasp complex information and see the relevance of the findings.
  • Tailored Presentations: Research presentations were tailored to the specific interests and needs of different stakeholder groups. By customizing the content and focus for each audience, Adyen ensured that the insights were relevant and actionable for each group.
  • Engaging Workshops: The research team organized interactive workshops where stakeholders could engage with the findings directly. These workshops included discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative exercises to help stakeholders internalize the insights and explore their implications.
  • Regular Updates and Reports: To keep stakeholders informed and engaged, Adyen provided regular updates and comprehensive reports on ongoing research projects. These updates maintained a continuous flow of information and reinforced the importance of the research.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders were involved early in the research process to ensure that their questions and concerns were addressed. This involvement increased their investment in the research outcomes and their willingness to act on the findings.

Outcomes achieved

The enhanced communication strategy led to several significant outcomes for Adyen:

  • Increased Impact of Research: By effectively communicating research findings, Adyen ensured that insights were understood and acted upon. This increased the overall impact of their research on product development and strategic decisions.
  • Improved Stakeholder Engagement: The tailored presentations, engaging workshops, and regular updates fostered stronger engagement and collaboration with stakeholders. Stakeholders felt more connected to the research process and its outcomes.
  • Better Decision-Making: Clear and compelling communication of research insights enabled stakeholders to make more informed decisions. The visual and narrative techniques helped clarify the implications of the findings, leading to better strategic choices.
  • Enhanced Product Development: The effective communication of user insights directly informed product improvements, resulting in more user-centric designs and features. This alignment with user needs contributed to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous Learning Culture: The approach to communicating research reinforced a culture of continuous learning and data-driven decision-making within Adyen. Stakeholders across the organization valued and relied on research insights to guide their actions.

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