ComparisonScaling Software Development - ZeroBlockers vs Double Diamond: Which problem-solving framework is better for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all framework for software development. Each framework covers different parts of the process in different ways. We have compiled an overview of the key features and approaches of the Double Diamond framework and ZeroBlockers to help you select the best framework for you.

ZeroBlockers vs Double Diamond: Overview

ScrollIdea GenerationIdea EvaluationBusiness Case CreationBusiness Case ApprovalPlanAnalyseDesignDevelopTestRelease
Double Diamond

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams



The core way of working.

Discover opportunities, design and evaluate solutions, then deliver in very small iterations.

The outputs of the process.

User personas
User journey maps
Problem statements
Ideation boards
Working Software

How solutions are handed over to the development team.

No handover as designers and developers work together at all stages.
Success Metrics

How success is measured.

Customer satisfaction and impact on metrics.

Double Diamond

A design framework that involves divergent and convergent thinking to explore problems and create solutions.



The core way of working.

Discover the user needs, define the most important problem, develop many solutions and create the best solution.

The outputs of the process.

Problem statements
User personas
User journey maps
Working Software

How solutions are handed over to the development team.

Working prototypes with detailed solution designs.
Success Metrics

How success is measured.

Customer satisfaction.

Core Differences



The core way of working.

Equal focus on research, design and delivery
greater focus on research and design.

The outputs of the process.

Similar between frameworks.

How solutions are handed over to the development team.

Continuous collaboration between research, design and dev
handover from design to dev.
Success Metrics

How success is measured.

Explicit product metrics
customer satisfaction as a proxy for business metrics.

ZeroBlockers unapologetically copies a lot of the solution identification and evaluation techniques from Design Thinking so there is a lot of overlap, particularly in the process, deliverables and success metrics.

But Design Thinking only goes as far as the solution identification. While these techniques definitely reduce the risk over whiteboard solutions there is still a lot of risk remaining. Until a customer has a working solution in their hand we can't know for certain whether it will be successful. ZeroBlockers includes the development phase as well as the solution phase because we will need to iterate on the solution as we build it as well.

ZeroBlockers vs Double Diamond: Approach

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Time to Market

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Short lead time is a key metric for teams.

The resources involved in defining solutions.

Focus on minimising time (and cost) to market.

Double Diamond

A design framework that involves divergent and convergent thinking to explore problems and create solutions.


Time to Market

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Can be quick or slow depending on implementation.

The resources involved in defining solutions.

Can be cheap or expensive depending on implementation.

Core Differences


Time to Market

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Short lead time as a core metric
implementation time left up to teams.

The resources involved in defining solutions.

Short lead time as a core metric
implementation time left up to teams.

Design Thinking is very flexible in terms of how you implement it which makes a direct comparison a bit subjective.

ZeroBlockers is more opinionated as it makes Lead Time a core metric that teams are measured on. This means that teams must come up with innovative ways to do continuous research and prototype evaluation to ensure that they balance the investment in research and risk reduction with delivery.

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Customer Satisfaction

How well the solutions meet the needs of the customers

Involve users continuously to iterate and refine the software based on their feedback.

The level of ingenuity in the solutions that are delivered.

Cross-functional teams, with development involvement, and a customer focus deliver better solutions.
Business Alignment

How well the solutions align with the business goals.

Ensures solutions are aligned with business strategic objectives.

Double Diamond

A design framework that involves divergent and convergent thinking to explore problems and create solutions.


Customer Satisfaction

How well the solutions meet the needs of the customers

Involve users continuously to iterate and refine the problem and solution based on their feedback.

The level of ingenuity in the solutions that are delivered.

A structured process involving divergent thinking to explore more and potentially better solutions and convergent thinking to select the best solution.
Business Alignment

How well the solutions align with the business goals.

Indirectly aligning with business goals through user satisfaction.

Core Differences


Customer Satisfaction

How well the solutions meet the needs of the customers

Similar between frameworks.

The level of ingenuity in the solutions that are delivered.

Ensure developer involvement to incorporate tech angle into solutions
recommendation to involve developers.
Business Alignment

How well the solutions align with the business goals.

Explicit business goals
customer satisfaction as a proxy for business metrics.

Both frameworks identify that research and solution evaluation increases the effectiveness of the solutions we build.

The big difference is that Design Thinking only goes as far as the solution identification so there is still a lot of risk remaining. Until a customer has a working solution in their hand we can't know for certain whether it will be successful. ZeroBlockers includes the development phase as well as the solution phase because we will need to iterate on the solution as we build it as well.

ZeroBlockers vs Double Diamond: Team & Events

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

UX Researcher
Business SMEs as needed

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Customer Interviews
Solution Evaluation
User Story Mapping


Weekly Business Review

Double Diamond

A design framework that involves divergent and convergent thinking to explore problems and create solutions.

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Product Manager/Owner

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Customer Interviews
Solution Evaluation

Core Differences

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Similar between frameworks.

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Equal focus on research, design and delivery
greater focus on research and design.

Both frameworks advocate for cross-functional teams but Design Thinking stops at the solution identification stage so developers are not explicitly included. This leaves a gap in terms of identifying technical solutions to customer problems.

ZeroBlockers believes that the separation of thinkers (solution definers) and doers (developers) leads to problems because you need developers to be able to iterate quickly as feedback comes in. We don't want to introduce a sign off blocker.

ZeroBlockers vs Double Diamond: Implementation

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Considerable changes are required across the business so buy-in is required at a senior level in IT, marketing, customer service and more.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

ZeroBlockers provides a range of training and certifications for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Large and growing community with documentation and resources.

Double Diamond

A design framework that involves divergent and convergent thinking to explore problems and create solutions.


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Buy in required from business and technology leadership to provide funding and cross-functional teams.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

A number of training courses are available for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

There are large and active Research, Design and Development communities.

Core Differences


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Similar between frameworks

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

Similar between frameworks
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Similar between frameworks

Both frameworks require a large change to how companies identify the product features that they should build. ZeroBlockers is a little more complicated because it includes teams that are cross-functional across the business and IT divide as well.

While ZeroBlockers is challenging to implement you can start small - one product, one value stream. With over 10 years of UXDX content and case studies, there is also a large body of resources to assist in the rollout of the framework. The pain is worth the gain.

3 advantages of ZeroBlockers over Double Diamond


Delivery focus: Greater focus on delivery because most businesses are constrained by their ability to execute rather than their ability to identify opportunities.


Accountable teams: By giving teams solution autonomy and code independence, they can be truly held accountable because they are both identifying and delivering solutions.


Scaling teams: Strategies for removing dependencies between teams to enable scaling without slowing down.

Compare ZeroBlockers with other problem solving frameworks

Design Thinking

A human-centred approach to problem solving that focuses on understanding the user and their needs.


Lean UX

A lean approach to user experience design.


User Centered Design

A design process that focuses on understanding the user and their needs.


ZeroBlockers Docs

Teams, processes, practices, artifacts and more...

We're busy putting the final touches on our ZeroBlockers guide. The guide will provide a comprehensive overview to the ZeroBlockers framework, including detailed descriptions of the key processes, practices and artifacts produced by each of the five core ZeroBlockers team types.

Subscribe for updates on when the guide will be available (we're targeting the end of July.)

ZeroBlockers giude screenshot